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Coping with emotions

For many people, being told they have cancer is distressing. Ignoring upsetting thoughts and feelings is unhelpful and it is important to recognise when you have them. There are things you may want to try if you find it difficult to cope with your emotions:

  • Do not blame yourself for your cancer or how you cope with it.
  • Take time to think about how cancer and treatment is affecting you emotionally.
  • Consider telling others how you feel, whether a health professional, partner, member of the family, friend or support group.
  • You may find it helpful to be active in your care, such as asking health professionals about your treatment and support available.
  • Try and do the things that connect with what's important to you, your passions, and give your life meaning.
  • Not all responses to cancer are distressing. Many find cancer to be a life changing moment, allowing them to re-evaluate what is important in life and change or reprioritise life goals.

You may find the following strategies and activities helpful in managing your emotions. Click to find out more: