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Personal development

Not all experiences of having cancer are negative. Some people with cancer find the experience of the illness and treatment has helped them learn new things about themselves and become stronger. As a result of living with cancer, some people have reported:

  • A shift in priorities – overcoming things that previously held them back and making a positive change, such as a new career or retirement.
  • A new appreciation – thinking about mortality in a positive way, resulting in a new appreciation of the world and the opportunities it provides.
  • Improved relationships – the forging of new or stronger friendships, bringing together family ties and creating closer relations with their partner.
  • Increased compassion – wanting to ‘give something back’ and help others going through similar challenges.
  • A new strength – realising just how strong and brave they are, physically and mentally.
  • Greater creativity – taking the opportunity to follow new and old passions and interests.
  • Spiritual growth – gaining an appreciation and awareness of spirituality.
Personal growth

Leo’s story

‘Cancer has taught me that I have immense strength and I can get through it. And now I’ve got through it, I see the world in a new light. I don’t take things for granted and I can celebrate the world around me.’

There are certain things that people have found helpful in developing personal development from their cancer, including: