Goal Setting
Many people with cancer find setting goals and planning ahead helpful in coping with emotional challenges. Setting goals can help you feel more confident to live with problems relating to the cancer.
If you have already completed a healthy lifestyle plan, you may wish to look at it when thinking about your goals.
The following things may help you set your goals:
- Write down your goals. This can help you make a firm plan and turn your thoughts into actions.
- Focus on smaller, short-term goals. You are more likely to stick to your plan if you follow these.
- See your progress when you set short term goals and celebrate when you meet them. This can help you gain confidence to achieve those goals.

Defining your Goals
The first part of goal setting it to define what it is you want to fix. Take time out to write what aspects of living with cancer are causing you emotional or psychological problems.
- What are the problems?
- What impact is it having on you?
- What would you like to fix?
Having written down what it is you want to fix, you can write a SMART objective for each problem. Click on each letter to find out more. If it is useful, you can click here to download a print version of these questions and SMART objectives guide.