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Sleep is very important in ensuring physical and emotional well-being. However, many people living with cancer have trouble in getting enough quality sleep. Trouble with sleep includes finding it difficult to get to sleep and waking up during the night or early.

There are many causes for sleeping difficulties including:

  • Emotional concerns, e.g. fear, anxiety and worry.
  • Physical concerns, e.g. pain or feeling uncomfortable
  • The sleeping environment (e.g. temperature of the room, having an uncomfortable bed)
  • Medication (some medications can affect sleep, e.g. steroids)
  • Smoking or drinking alcohol or caffeine

Finding it difficult to sleep can affect your emotional well-being:


Tom’s story

‘Having a bad night’s sleep really affects me the next day. I get anxious, I find it hard to mix with people. I get bad tempered. It is also changes how my brain functions: I find it hard to concentrate. And it’s a bit like a Catch-22 situation. If I’ve got to be up for work the next day, then I start worrying if I’m going to be able to work well if I’m tired. And that keeps me awake.’

There are various things you can do to help you sleep better:

  • Improve your sleep hygiene by going to bed and getting up at the same times, creating a calm sleeping environment, ensuring you don't go to bed hungry but not eating and drinking too much just before sleep, and avoiding the use of palm devices, such as phone, before sleep.
  • Increasing your physical activity during the day can help your sleep at night. This can be difficult if you are experiencing low energy levels or side effects from your cancer or treatment, but any activity will help, from a short walk to gardening.
  • Sleeping can be helped by living a healthier lifestyle, e.g. by eating well, keeping active and limiting your alcohol.
  • You could try relaxation techniques and breathing exercises to relax the body and mind.
  • You may wish to try apps to help you sleep, such as Sleepio.
  • Avoiding using devices with blue lights and screens, such as iphones, before bed.